Certificate of Occupancy

Contact Personnel:
(256) 341-4570

A Certificate of Occupancy (commonly called “CO” or “C of O”) application is available in the Building Department and from the Documents Downloads page. A completed and signed CO application is needed when:

  • A Certificate of Occupancy is required for business license issuance by the Revenue Department.
  • A Certificate of Occupancy is needed for the re-occupancy of existing buildings.
  • A Certificate of Occupancy is required for a change of ownership.
  • Decatur Utilities requires an issued Certificate of Occupancy for the establishment of new accounts.

A final building inspection is required before a Certificate of Occupancy is issued. A Certificate of Occupancy will be granted on all new construction after the final building inspection has passed and a final survey is submitted to the Building Department.

Reference: Municode for Decatur, Alabama